Monday, July 26, 2010


The following information was provided by the Boy Scouts National Capitol Area Council thru the Trail Patrol

A heat advisory means that a period of hot temperatures is expected. The combination of hot temperatures and high humidity will combine to create a situation in which heat illnesses are possible. Drink plenty of fluids... stay in an air-conditioned room... stay out of the sun... and check up on elderly relatives and neighbors. Never leave children or pets unaccompanied in a parked vehicle - even with the windows cracked. An excessive heat watch means that a prolonged period of hot temperatures is expected.

Watch for signs of dehydration! The simplest way to check for dehydration is to check urine color. It should be clear or very pale yellow. If it begins to darken in color, fluid intake should increase. (Note: If you've increased water intake -- but thirst, headache or other symptoms persist -- check with your doctor. It might simply be that a fluid containing electrolytes is needed to restore a normal balance. It could also be that some other underlying cause requires medical attention.) Remember: if you try to drink a large amount of water all at once, your kidneys will simply flush the excess fluid by sending you to the bathroom. It's better to drink regular amounts of fluid throughout the day. Each morning, pour the liquid you need to drink and make sure that by the end of the day, it's gone. That way, you won't forget how much you've already had.

Mild Dehydration: (increase fluid intake -- and for babies, call a medical professional): Thirst, dry lips, dry mouth, flushed skin, fatigue, irritability, headache, urine begins to darken in color, urine output decreases.
Moderate Dehydration: (call a medical professional): All of the signs of mild dehydration, plus: skin doesn't bounce back quickly when pressed, very dry mouth, sunken eyes, (in infant - sunken fontanel, the soft spot on the head), output of urine will be limited and color of urine will be dark yellow, cramps, stiff and/or painful joints, severe irritability, fatigue, severe headache.
Severe Dehydration: (call emergency number): All of the signs of mild and moderate dehydration, plus: blue lips, blotchy skin, confusion, lethargy, cold hands and feet, rapid breathing, rapid and weak pulse, low blood pressure, dizziness, fainting, high fever, inability to pee or cry tears, disinterest in drinking fluid.

Signs of Heat Cramps, Heat Exhaustion and Heatstroke

Experts say that adults with heat exhaustion should stop the activity, move into a cool environment, remove excess clothing and drink hydrating liquids (NOT coffee, tea, sodas or juice!). They say that adults with heatstroke, however, are suffering an emergency. Their body needs to be cooled with ice packs or immersion in cold water, and immediate and professional medical attention must be called. We say: Don't take chances. We believe that any sign of moderate to severe dehydration should be promptly attended to and medical professionals called -- especially in particularly vulnerable populations like babies, children, anyone with an illness, and seniors. If you're in doubt, please call for help. No competent medical professional will mind being called for help with a possible case of moderate to severe dehydration, heat exhaustion or heatstroke.

Heat Cramps: brief but painful involuntary muscle spasms. They usually occur in the muscles being used during the exercise, and are a result of insufficient liquid intake
Heat Exhaustion: difficulty breathing, headache, feeling hot on head and neck, dizziness, heat cramps, chills, nausea, irritability, vomiting, extreme weakness or fatigue
Heatstroke: rapid and shallow breathing, rapid heartbeat, unusually high or low blood pressure, lack of sweating, mental confusion and disorientation, unconsciousness, physical collapse