Friday, March 16, 2007


35 F and a driving rain for my commute this morning. I kept puzzling over why I had the trail entirely to myself. Then it hit me. I was in the company of tens of thousands of earthworms, all driven from their burrows by the rain, all moving across my path. I could not avoid all of them. It was Serial Wormicide. Obviously people were avoiding the trail to keep from killing worms. The flocks of Robins in Falls Church and Arlington had no such compassion. They had eaten so many worms they were barely able to fly. Some just stood by the trail in a stupor, eyes half shut, like a teenager that has just finished off a large pizza and a root beer float.

Trail user alert: Four mile run was bank full when I rode by this morning (left photo about mile 4.5). I have had to ride through water over the trail at this spot, so be careful to wear your water wings if your commute takes you this way tonight.
If you make it that far west, pause by Cedar Lane to see the Pussy Willows (right photo just west of Cedar, almost mile 10).